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The LWW surrounds our aesthetic sight and sound in the emotional fury of mass forms of virtual art relevant to I. This is a storyboard that is exploding with silhouettes; concentrating on the symphony of violence that bows in the shadow of taste. This is the discord that attracts us.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eliot Lee Hazel: beginnings of a masterful, conceptual fine artist eliotleehazel.com

Friday, January 21, 2011

This is a sharing of pictures by a favorite artist of mine: Ryan McGinley and his collab with 3 bombass bitches. He likes to take really great pictures of androgynous naked people too, especially in his latest series. McGin if you can hear me, I won't wax and you can take my picture. It's a great collaboration. I went to his art opening with my best friend that night. It was cool, there were many delightful people there. Young and alive. Maggie was like do you know if he's here. I said that I will point him out if I see him, but I doubts. I WAS SHOCKED shocked to see Ryan there. Boom, black leather jacket with two gold stripes on the sleeves. We came together. We talked. He asked me what I liked; I got way into his series in the caves. He asked me if I liked this one and then I felt like an asshole. Whatever. As I was looking through photos, I saw a girls write up that is included below the pictures. It's longwinded, but basically displays that he's a great, stellar, talented young artist. The only difference is that I was invited to the afterparty. Aw, but I had other plans. The Universe wanted me there, in such a way that Maggie almost got crushed alot by a flying car upon leaving. This is him with M.I.A This is Tilda Swinton Ethereal enviable unequivocal: timeless Kate Moss A personal post. Definitley one of, if not the best moments of my life. Meeting Ryan McGinley. On October 29th, with my friend Nicole, I headed over to Ratio-3, a studio here in the city. They were hosting the opening of Ryan’s show and I was mega excited. Wecaught a cab and were almost there, as the taxi driver started to get weary of where Ratio-3 was located. Passing a man who was on fire (Literally. His pants.They were on fire.), the area was getting sketchier and we became a tad more nervous we wouldn’t be able to find the studio. Soon enough, and shockingly getting there about 10 minutes early, we had found Ratio-3! We mingled outside with some people also attending the show, sharing our excitement and love for the man who we were hoping would actually be there. 6 ‘o clock strikes, and we all head into Ratio-3. We walk around for about 15 minutes, gazing at the genius that was hanging on the blank, stark white walls. I turn my head. There was Ryan. My hero. My idol. I didn’t know what to do. About 10 minutes of chickening out to talk to McGinley, I finally struck up the courage and introduced myself. I told him I loved his work, and he threw his arms open and gave me a hug. We talked about the Academy and how I’m studying photography here in the city. Awkwardly, I asked for a photo with him and he was pleased to do so, grabbing my hand saying “Let’s hold hands!” while both of us are on either side of my favorite photograph in the show. Laughing and in shock, I handed over my camera to Nicole as she snapped the photo. I thanked him once again, as we walked off and out the door of Ratio-3. The man was gracious, kind, and hilarious. One night I will never, ever forget.